Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Korrin, the Iconic Psychic

Playing Korrin
     While more intelligent than nearly everyone around you, you don’t rub it into their faces. A life on the streets showed you that people like that didn’t live for very long. Allies are a requirement for survival, but you know that today’s ally could become tomorrow’s enemy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Psychic in Argoport

Dark laughter echoed in Korrin’s head as he awoke. Another dream, another nightmare. The least that Nirrok could do was let him have a peaceful sleep every now and then. Still, it was early morning, and a rumbling stomach told him that it was time to scrounge up some breakfast.
     Aethrin should be setting up his market stall, and he had just enough silver pieces to buy a piece of beef that he could trade for some oysters from Paakiga. After he finished breakfast he needed to find some more work, all while avoiding Karn and Varto.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wainryn, the Elven Port

CN large city
Corruption +4, Crime +1, Economy +4, Law +4, Lore +3, Society +0
Qualities prosperous, racially intolerant (half-elves), strategic location,
Danger 10
Government overlord (King Andullyn)
Population 12,504 (6,126 elves; 3,126 humans; 2,501 half-elves; 751 other)
Notable NPCs
Captain Jadryll Wainyll (LN half-elf fighter 4)
Mage-Acolyte Tarn (LE human sorcerer 2/cleric of Erb 2)
Tanlyn of House Taradlym (NG elf swashbuckler 3)
Base Value 11,200 gp; Purchase Limit 75,000 gp; Spellcasting 6th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 2d4

One of the two ancient elven city-states remaining, Wainryn has accepted outside influence far more readily than their trade partner at the opposing end of the river that links them. Serving as one of the major trading ports of the Green Coast, Wainryn sees goods and wealth from all over the known world and beyond.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Slavery in the Green Coast

Most were probably expecting this to be in last week’s post, but its deserving on a post of its own.

The hobgoblins are infamous for their practice of keeping members of other races as slaves. The only races that are not kept as slaves are gnomes and halflings. The noble families amongst the northern gnomes have an agreement with the hobgoblins: the gnomes remain free to conduct their archaeological digs while the hobgoblins get any magical items found after they have been cataloged. Halflings on the other hand are not seen as being worth the expense and are simply killed or fed to the warbeasts.