Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Excerpt from A Treatise on Orc Faith, by Professor Yorin Argirus Brunton

            Most people believe the orcs to be savages that possess strange rites and occasionally sacrifice captured bandits to primal gods. I have found in my time living amongst one of the three remaining orc clans outside of the Hobgoblin Empire, that the common beliefs are both true and false.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Excerpt from the Journal of Professor Yorin Argirus Brunton

15 Tytlan, 98 of the Age of Restoration
Day 72 of Excavation

          The workers have been asking for tomorrow off. They say that the winter solstice is a time to be with family to cherish those that survived the onset of winter and remember those that did not. While the ruins that we have been excavating are fascinating, I fear that if I refuse productivity will drop to an unacceptable level. With that in mind, I gave them tomorrow off with the understanding that they would return to work the following day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Meresk Delas, the Plagued Port

Meresk Delas
LE large city
Corruption +5, Crime +5, Economy +1, Law +3, Lore +0, Society -2
Qualities holy site, pious (Kirapeny), tourist attraction, plagued
Danger 10
Government magical (High Solar)
Population 19,428 (13,016 dwarf; 3,691 human; 1,943 gnome; 582 halfling; 196 other)
Notable NPCs
Most High Solar Galan Sunbeard (LN dwarf cleric 13)
Black Baron (CG human vigilante 7)
Herald of the Dawn (NE half-elf bard 8)
Base Value 8,000 gp; Purchase Limit 50,000 gp; Spellcasting 7th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 2d4

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Tetsuor, the Deep One

Tetsuor, the Deep One

“A ship’s not just a rudder and some sails, that’s what a ship needs. But what a ship is…is freedom.”
 - Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

Alternate Names: Brimwylm (halfling), Dayal Juul (elf), Morethivy (dwarf), Saevio (gnome), Tenutaz (orc)
Expanded Domains: Chaos, Exploration, Freedom, Luck, Travel, Water, Weather, Wind
Portfolio: fortune, freedom, journeys, lakes, oceans, water, weather